Archaeologists unearth ancient coins and dietary options

Finding a cache of 2200-year-old coins buried in the remains of an Egyptian house sparked honours student Liesel Gentelli's interest in coins, inspiring her to pursue postgraduate studies in forensics.

'Hobbit' more likely had Down Syndrome than a new species

Many people believe that what was found in Liang Bua Cave on the island of Flores in Indonesia in 2003-2004 was some variety of hobbit-like human or prehuman. Our research published today argues that it was more likely just ...

Marine life assists forensic efforts

Aquatic organisms can play a role in explaining events surrounding the presence of human remains found in a water environment, according to a University of Western Australia expert.

Hidden treasures of ancient Ur uncovered in Bristol

( —An enigmatic box from a bygone era, filled with pottery, seeds and animal bones, has been discovered in the University of Bristol's Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. The box was found while researchers ...

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