Mouse mummies point to mammalian life in 'Mars-like' Andes

The dry, wind-swept summits of volcanoes in the Puna de Atacama of Chile and Argentina are the closest thing on Earth to the surface of Mars due to their thin atmosphere and freezing temperatures. At their extreme elevations ...

The long journey of a child who died more than 2,000 years ago

In 2020, the pandemic disrupted everyone's lives, isolated people from each other and ushering in a new reality for all. At universities, activities shifted into low gear and moved online. And in Université de Montréal's ...

Prehistoric armoured dinosaur may have been able to dig

Newly excavated skeletal remains of an ankylosaurid—a large armored herbivore that lived during the Cretaceous Period—may indicate that members of this family of dinosaurs were able to dig, according to a study published ...

Several small steps: Elephant calves caught on camera in Cambodia

First, the good news. Footage from the 46 camera traps deployed by Fauna & Flora International (FFI) in Cambodia's Cardamom Mountains is giving us a privileged insight into the lives of the Asian elephants that roam through ...

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