How strong a role does religion play in US elections?

On March 17, Joe Biden took firm control of the Democratic nomination process, winning primaries Florida, Illinois and Arizona by significant margins. The ongoing coronavirus epidemic is in part responsible, having reshaped ...

Do you benefit from slave labor?

What would you do if you knew your fast-food burger, the steel in your car, the leather for your shoes or that shiny hardwood floor came as a result of slave labor?

Challenging the notion that religion fosters violence

Is religion violent? It's a common question that arises when discussing religion, politics and world crises, particularly apparent terrorist attacks of the type that played out in New York City on Tuesday.

How faith can inspire environmental action

It has become clear that meaningful progress on climate change is not going to be achieved by one person or indeed, one government. Coordinated action between governments, industry, local leaders and society is needed urgently. ...

Study: New German govt's plans fall short of climate goal

A research institute's analysis has concluded that the incoming German government's plans for curbing greenhouse gas emissions are insufficient to put Germany on course to meet the goals of the 2015 Paris climate accord.

How Muslims and Jews see each other in Western countries

Jewish-Muslim relations have been complicated for centuries, but assumptions that all Jews and Muslims are eternal enemies are proven wrong by a comprehensive survey review conducted by a researcher in Indiana University's ...

Research examines the intersection of faith and crises

Social research that, by chance, was underway in New Zealand at the time of the devastating 2011 Christchurch earthquake is providing insight into age-old questions about the role of religious faith in a crisis.

How devout are we? Study shows evangelicals surge as Catholics wane

(—The percentage of Americans who say they are strong in their religious faith has been steady for the last four decades, a new study finds. But in that same time, the intensity of some religious groups has surged ...

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