Planck spacecraft follows Herschel to launch site

( -- Planck, ESA’s microwave observatory that will study the relic radiation of the Big Bang, was shipped from Ličge, Belgium, to Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, on 18 February. The spacecraft ...

AP PHOTOS: Iraqi museum refuge for relics of the past

After the destruction wreaked on archaeological sites by Islamic State group, the collections at the Iraq's National Museum in Baghdad have become even more important. It's now one of the only places you can find relics from ...

Pakistan struggles with smuggled Buddhist relics

(AP)—Lacking the necessary cash and manpower, Pakistan is struggling to stem the flow of millions of dollars in ancient Buddhist artifacts that looters dig up in the country's northwest and smuggle to collectors around ...

Berkeley Lab scientists read the cosmic writing on the wall

Thanks to a supersensitive space telescope and some sophisticated supercomputing, scientists from the international Planck collaboration have made the closest reading yet of the most ancient story in our universe: the cosmic ...

Why jumping genes don't send us into meltdown

A team of researchers, led by academics at The University of Nottingham, has explained why the so-called 'jumping genes' found in most living organisms don't ultimately kill off their hosts, putting an end to a long-standing ...

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