The smart shoe

Researchers from University of Twente's MIRA research institute, The Netherlands, have developed a shoe that can show exactly how a person walks. The shoe contains a range of sensors which measure the foot's movements and ...

First wild jaguars in 70 years born in Argentina national park

A captive-born jaguar released into Argentina's Ibera National Park last year has given birth to two cubs—the first to be born wild in the protected wetland in 70 years, the Rewilding Argentina conservation body said Thursday.

Novel robotic walker helps patients regain natural gait

Survivors of stroke or other neurological conditions such as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries and Parkinson's disease often struggle with mobility. To regain their motor functions, these patients are required ...

Released sea turtle carries oceanographer's ashes out to sea

A rescued green sea turtle named Picasso was released back into the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, carrying the ashes of a self-taught Texas oceanographer who founded the rehabilitation center that helped nurse it back to health.

Indoor plant intervention: New answers for health care design?

Could a plant "intervention" improve the well-being of patients in a difficult rehab process? Scientists from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Sweden's Uppsala University investigated this question in a recent ...

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