New Zealand opens first 'kiwi hospital' for injured birds

New Zealand on Friday opened its first hospital exclusively treating kiwi birds, and vets have already nursed the first patient back to health—a chick nicknamed "Splash" that tumbled into a swimming pool.

First wild jaguars in 70 years born in Argentina national park

A captive-born jaguar released into Argentina's Ibera National Park last year has given birth to two cubs—the first to be born wild in the protected wetland in 70 years, the Rewilding Argentina conservation body said Thursday.

Alba the albino orangutan returned to jungle in Indonesia

The world's only known albino orangutan climbed trees, foraged for food and began building a nest after being released into a remote Borneo jungle more than a year after conservation officials found her starving and dehydrated ...

Released sea turtle carries oceanographer's ashes out to sea

A rescued green sea turtle named Picasso was released back into the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, carrying the ashes of a self-taught Texas oceanographer who founded the rehabilitation center that helped nurse it back to health.

New York is vying to become global high-tech hub

(AP) -- Just as a trench dug in the 1800s created a shortcut to the nation's interior and helped make New York a global trading hub, the city is now hoping for another "Erie Canal moment" with a high-tech research complex ...

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