Study shows voting does not reduce crime

A new study casts doubt on a promising application of the timeworn theory—posited by thinkers such as Rousseau, Alexander de Tocqueville, and John Stuart Mill—that political engagement, such as voting, fosters good citizens ...

'Russian hackers' attack two US voter databases

Russian-based hackers may have been responsible for two recent attempts to breach US voter registration databases in two states, raising fears Moscow is trying to undermine November's presidential election, US media said ...

US moves toward mandatory registration of drones

Owners of drones weighing 250 grams or more should provide authorities with their name and address and put an ID number on the aircraft, experts hired by the US government recommended Monday.

Task force wants even smaller drones registered

An aviation industry task force is recommending that operators be required to register drones weighing as little as a half a pound, a threshold that could include some remote-controlled toys, industry officials said.

Japan 'takes issue with Google maps' over islands

Japan has asked local authorities and state-run universities not to post Google maps on their websites because some of them use non-Japanese names for disputed islands, reports said Sunday.

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