Related topics: climate change · climate

Horn of Africa floods displace more than two million

More than two million people across the Horn of Africa have been forced from their homes by torrential rains and floods, according to an AFP tally compiled Thursday from government and UN figures.

Flash floods kill 100 in Horn of Africa: charity

More than 100 people, including 16 children, have died and over 700,000 been forced out of their homes in the Horn of Africa due to flash flooding, the British charity Save the Children said Thursday.

South Asia worst in world for water scarcity: UN

More children in South Asia are struggling due to severe water scarcity made worse by the impacts of climate change than anywhere else worldwide, the United Nations said Monday.

How wealthy countries' research skews our knowledge of plants

More extreme weather and large variations in temperature and precipitation: Climate change affects not only humans and animals but also plants. They, too, face significant challenges, and there is increasing interest in creating ...

Scientists map loss of groundwater storage around the world

Global water resources are stretched by climate change and human population growth, and farms and cities are increasingly turning to groundwater to fill their needs. Unfortunately, the pumping of groundwater can cause the ...

Scientists highlight discrepancies in regional climate models

Up to now, the results of climate simulations have sometimes contradicted the analysis of climate traces from the past. A team led by the physicist Thomas Laepple from the Alfred Wegener Institute in Potsdam and the climatologist ...

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