'Switchable' smart windows reduce energy consumption significantly

Smart windows that act as blinds in the summer and let all the sunlight through in the winter. That's the idea of the reflective windows Hitesh Khandelwal developed during his doctoral research at TU/e, that are able to reflect ...

Mimicking bug eyes could brighten reflective signs and clothes

That bright, reflective coating used on road signs, bicycles and clothing are important safety measures at night. They help drivers get to their destinations while avoiding bicyclists and pedestrians in low-light conditions. ...

Image: NASA spacecraft views huge burn area in L.A.'s backyard

The Sand Fire, in the Santa Clarita area northwest of Los Angeles, has burned more than 41,000 acres, destroyed 18 houses and caused one fatality. By August 1, 2016, when the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection ...

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