Study finds coral reefs under even greater threat

In a landmark study, scientists at The University of Queensland (UQ) have simulated future ocean conditions and found climate change will jeopardise the future of coral reefs.

Remote reefs can be tougher than they look

( —Isolated coral reefs can recover from catastrophic damage as effectively as those with nearby undisturbed neighbours, a long-term study by marine biologists from the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) ...

Picky eater fish clean up seaweeds from coral reefs (w/ Video)

(—Using underwater video cameras to record fish feeding on South Pacific coral reefs, scientists have found that herbivorous fish can be picky eaters – a trait that could spell trouble for endangered reef systems.

Carbon dioxide affecting fish brains: study

Rising human carbon dioxide emissions may be affecting the brains and central nervous systems of sea fish, with serious consequences for their survival, according to new research.

Climate will damage reefs at 'different rates'

( -- Climate change and acidifying ocean water are likely to have a highly variable impact on the world's coral reefs in space, time and diversity, according to an international team of coral scientists, including ...

Oceans in distress foreshadow mass extinction

Pollution and global warming are pushing the world's oceans to the brink of a mass extinction of marine life unseen for tens of millions of years, a consortium of scientists warned Monday.

Ocean acidification leaves clownfish deaf to predators

( -- Since the Industrial Revolution, over half of all the CO2 produced by burning fossil fuels has been absorbed by the ocean, making pH drop faster than any time in the last 650,000 years and resulting in ocean ...

Fish study turns colour vision theory inside out

( -- Neurobiologists at the Queensland Brain Institute have found that animals are not always as brightly coloured as they seem - at least not to their counterparts.

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