Sign language puzzle solved

( -- Scientists have known for 40 years that even though it takes longer to use sign language to sign individual words, sentences can be signed, on average, in the same time it takes to say them, but until now ...

The benefit of redundancy in biological systems

When viewed from an engineer's perspective, biology is often messy and imperfect. For example, redundancy is a common feature of biological systems, with the job of one biological component overlapping with that of another.

Gene enhancers important despite apparent redundancy

Every cell in the body has the same DNA and genes, so a cell's properties and functions are determined by which genes are turned on. That's why it is critical to understand enhancers, short sections of non-coding DNA that ...

On computer science—a turbo in the algorithm

A new "Interview on Computer Science". Serge Abiteboul and Christine Froidevaux interview Claude Berrou, computer engineer and electronics engineer, and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Claude Berrou is a professor ...

Wikipedia back online after brief service cut

Popular online knowledge trove Wikipedia was back online Monday after a fiber optic cable connection between its two US data centers was severed, causing an hour-long service outage.

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