Studying dusty air has both local and global significance

Understanding the unique characteristics of the Arabian atmosphere has much to offer global research. Pollution, weather, climate change, human health, agriculture and fisheries are all affected by the suspended particles ...

Image: Dust storm over the Red Sea

The Sentinel-3A satellite caught this image of a dust storm blowing east across the Red Sea on 25 July 2016.

An ocean observatory for the Red Sea

Studies conducted at the Saudi Aramco-KAUST Marine Environmental Research Center provide new insights into the physical and biological aspects of the Red Sea.

New luminous creatures found in the Red Sea

The Red Sea is known as one of the best tourist destinations for good relaxation and scuba diving, but few imagined that this place is inhabited by many sea creatures awaiting discovery. An international team of biologists, ...

Habitat prediction model created to protect piping plovers

Beach walkers along the East Coast often share the sand with several kinds of birds that scavenge the shore just out of the reach of waves. Among these shorebirds is the piping plover—a tiny, busy bird that nests in open ...

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