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Chasms on the flanks of a Martian volcano

Mars has some of the most impressive volcanoes in the solar system. ESA's Mars Express has now imaged the pitted, fissured flank of the planet's second-tallest: Ascraeus Mons.

One in ten stars ate a Jupiter-sized planet, suggests paper

In space, cataclysmic events happen to stars all the time. Some explode as supernovae, some get torn apart by black holes, and some suffer other fates. But when it comes to planets, stars turn the tables. Then it's the stars ...

NASA's Ingenuity helicopter sees a beautiful sunset on Mars

Sunsets provide some of the most beautiful natural imagery anywhere on Earth. People flock from all over to see sunsets at specific places at specific times, such as when they perfectly align down a street in Manhattan. But ...

Is there life on Mars? Better tools are needed to get the answer

Current state-of-the-art instrumentation being sent to Mars to collect and analyze evidence of ancient life on the Red Planet may not be sensitive enough to make accurate assessments, according to an international research ...

New Webb image reveals dusty disk like never seen before

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has imaged the inner workings of a dusty disk surrounding a nearby red dwarf star. These observations represent the first time the previously known disk has been imaged at these infrared ...

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