Discovery of red palm weevil in California

Scientists and growers met on campus Friday, Oct. 22, to address a potentially devastating new threat to California?s iconic palm trees: the red palm weevil.

Eating insects: Like them stir fried or curried?

On Sept. 23, the Clinton Global Initiative awarded the Hult Prize, worth $1 million, to a team of student entrepreneurs at McGill University, Canada. Mark Hoddle, the director of the Center for Invasive Species Research at ...

Red palm weevils can fly 50 kilometers in 24 hours

The red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) has been a pest of coconut palms in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines for a long time. More recently, it's become a pest of 40 different palm species ...

Presence of devastating pest confirmed on Socotra Island

CABI scientist Dr. Arne Witt has led an international team of researchers who have confirmed for the first time the presence of the date pest red palm weevil on Socotra Island, Yemen, putting the livelihoods of residents ...

Invasive weevil spreads north, endangering California's palms

An invasive beetle that crossed from Mexico into southern San Diego County more than five years ago is continuing to head north, threatening widespread destruction of ornamental palm trees and date palms that could add up ...

Light sensors detect larval pests munching on date palms

A red beetle, classed as the most destructive date palm pest, causes millions of dollars of annual economic losses worldwide. Now, a small team in Saudi Arabia has found a cost-effective approach that uses laser pulses to ...