'Marshmallow' world orbiting a cool red dwarf star

A gas giant exoplanet with the density of a marshmallow has been detected in orbit around a cool red dwarf star by a suite of instruments, including the NEID radial-velocity instrument on the WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope at Kitt ...

Life can thrive around even the smallest stars, study claims

Photosynthesis is probably the most important chemical reaction for life on Earth. It is the process plants use to transform sunlight into energy it can use. Through it, plants can produce carbohydrates they can use (and ...

Super-Earth Ross 508b skims habitable zone of red dwarf

The first exoplanet has been discovered by Subaru Strategic Program using the infrared spectrograph IRD on the Subaru Telescope (IRD-SSP). This planet, Ross 508b, is a super-Earth with about four times the mass of the Earth ...

A new method to detect exoplanets

In recent years, a large number of exoplanets have been found around single "normal" stars. New research shows that there may be exceptions to this trend. Researchers from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León (UANL), ...

Extraterrestrial stone brings first supernova clues to Earth

New chemistry "forensics" indicate that the stone named Hypatia from the Egyptian desert could be the first tangible evidence found on Earth of a supernova type Ia explosion. These rare supernovas are some of the most energetic ...

Mapping the movement of white dwarfs of the Milky Way

White dwarfs were once normal stars similar to the sun but then collapsed after exhausting all their fuel. These interstellar remnants have historically been difficult to study. However, a recent study from Lund University ...

Day of discovery: 7 Earth-size planets

Newspapers around the world printed the discovery on their front pages: Astronomers had found that a red dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1 was home to a close-knit family of seven Earth-size planets. NASA announced the system ...

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