Could exoplanet be a haven for life?

Scientists said on Monday a rocky world orbiting a nearby star was confirmed as the first planet outside our solar system to meet key requirements for sustaining life.

Transiting super-Earth detected around naked eye star

One of the first known stars to host an extrasolar planet, was that of 55 Cancri. The first planet in this system was reported in 1997 and today the system is known to host at least five planets, the inner most of which, ...

Astronomers discover Kepler's trinity

NASA's revolutionary Kepler satellite has discovered a unique triply eclipsing triple star, reports an international team of astronomers.

Hubble finds that puny stars pack a big punch

( -- A deep survey of more than 200,000 stars in our Milky Way galaxy has unveiled the sometimes petulant behavior of tiny red dwarf stars. These stars, which are smaller than the Sun, can unleash powerful eruptions ...

Discovery triples number of stars in universe

Astronomers have discovered that small, dim stars known as red dwarfs are much more prolific than previously thought—so much so that the total number of stars in the universe is likely three times bigger than realized.

Astronomers find 'snooker star system'

Astronomers at The University of Warwick and the University of Sheffield have helped discover an unusual star system which looks like, and may even once have behaved like, a game of snooker.

CH Cyg: A Close-up View of Codependent Stellar Living

( -- This image shows the symbiotic system known as CH Cyg, located only about 800 light years from Earth. The large image shows an optical view of CH Cyg, using the Digitized Sky Survey, and the inset shows a ...

First detailed look at young dusty discs around ageing stars

( -- Astronomers from the University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics and the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur in France have used the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile to discover discs ...

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