Twitter launches emergency alerts

Twitter on Wednesday launched a system for emergency alerts which can help spread critical information when other lines of communication are down.

Red Cross cartoon to demystify Pacific climate change

The Red Cross has launched a light-hearted education campaign aimed at those it describes as most vulnerable to climate change: Pacific islanders living on low-lying atolls threatened by rising seas.

Survey: Most Haiti text donors have given since

(AP) -- The massive earthquake that devastated Haiti two years ago prompted an outpouring of charitable donations and propelled a new way of giving - through text messages - into the public eye.

Digital ways to donate to Japan disaster relief

Technology giants Apple, Google, Facebook and Twitter are all offering digital ways to donate to Japan's recovery efforts following the massive earthquake and devastating tsunami.

People turn ever more to web in times of crisis

The earthquake off the coast of Japan and the resulting tsunami has proven, yet again, how the Internet offers an information lifeline to the world in a time of crisis.

Web helps people locate loved ones in Japan quake

Searching the Internet on sites such as Google, Twitter and their local variants has become more effective in finding loved ones than sifting through wreckage following Japan's devastating tsunami.

Technology comes to the aid of Haiti

Online maps, mobile phone donations, wikis and a slew of websites are being deployed as telecoms firms, technology giants and startups set aside their rivalries and put the latest tools to work to help earthquake-ravaged ...

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