Dozens of dolphins stranded in Texas since fall

(AP) — The deaths of more than 120 dolphins off the Texas coast has prompted a federal agency to declare the event "unusual" and launch an investigation into whether they were related to a drought-related algae bloom ...

Plants may have a single ancestor

( -- An international group of scientists has analyzed the DNA of primitive microscopic algae, and their findings suggest that all plants on Earth may have had a single ancestor.

Fast new test for terrible form of food poisoning

Scientists are reporting development of a fast, reliable new test that could help people avoid a terrible type of food poisoning that comes from eating fish tainted with a difficult-to-detect toxin from marine algae growing ...

Shoe strings and egg openers

Photosynthesis is one of the most important biological processes. However, it is less efficient in plants than it could be. Red algae, in contrast, use a slightly different mechanism and are thus more productive. Scientists ...

Research shows how life might have survived 'snowball Earth'

Global glaciation likely put a chill on life on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, but new research indicates that simple life in the form of photosynthetic algae could have survived in a narrow body of water with characteristics ...

The similarities in red, green algae

( -- For Debashish Bhattacharya, the knowledge that half the oxygen on Earth is generated by algae through photosynthesis begs an important evolutionary question: How did algae come to be such ndustrious carbon-dioxide-consuming, ...

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