Plastic recycling remains a 'myth': Greenpeace study

Plastic recycling rates are declining even as production shoots up, according to a Greenpeace U.S. report out Monday that blasted industry claims of creating an efficient, circular economy as "fiction."

Controversial approach aims to expand plastics recycling

Major chemical companies are backing pyrolysis plants that convert plastic waste into hydrocarbon feedstocks that can be turned into plastics again. The process uses high temperatures in the absence of oxygen to break down ...

New upcycling system for commercial polyesters

While plastics or synthetic polymers have many useful properties, their mismanagement has resulted in widespread pollution that chokes up our ecosystems. As a solution to this, many synthetic polymers are sent for reprocessing ...

100% compostable coffee balls bid to take on Nespresso

Switzerland's biggest retailer launched a new coffee machine invention on Tuesday—fully compostable coffee balls which it hopes will shake up the global market and take on Nespresso's global dominance.

Designer materials to keep plastic out of landfills

Scientists have designed a new material system to overcome one of the biggest challenges in recycling consumer products: mixed-plastic recycling. Their achievement will help enable a much broader range of fully recyclable ...

Enzyme in human salivary microbes decomposes PET-based plastics

Human saliva may contain an enzyme which can decompose the plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Researchers found the promising enzyme, a hydrolase, in a database containing human metagenome samples. As they report in ...

Developing a degradation-triggerable plastic made of vanillin

From inexpensive mass products to tailored high-tech materials, our modern world without plastics is unimaginable. The major downside to this is the use of fossil fuels and the growing quantities of waste. A new approach ...

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