Scientific advances can make it easier to recycle plastics

Most of the 150 million tons of plastics produced around the world every year end up in landfills, the oceans and elsewhere. Less than 9 percent of plastics are recycled in the United States, rising to about 30 percent in ...

New acid-free magnet recycling process

A new rare-earth magnet recycling process developed by researchers at the Critical Materials Institute (CMI) dissolves magnets in an acid-free solution and recovers high purity rare earth elements. For shredded magnet-containing ...

Study finds policy is key for food-waste recycling

Food scraps. Okay, those aren't the first words that come to mind when you think about the environment. But 22 percent of the municipal solid waste dropped into landfills or incinerators in the U.S. is, in fact, food that ...

New tool helps parched regions plan how to replenish aquifers

The federal government reports that 40 states expect water shortages by 2024 and water worries already plague some cities across the United States. Underground aquifers that were over-tapped for years now cry out to be replenished. ...

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