Building a better trash can

What does it take to create a trash can? Ask Theron Klos. He's Berkeley's central-campus grounds manager, the guy beaming like a proud parent as dozens of large, hexagon-shaped black receptacles – with color-coded and distinctly ...

Europe triples recycling but still lags target

Recycling of household waste has tripled in Europe over the past decade but some countries are dragging their feet for meeting a target set for 2020, the European Environment Agency (EAA) said in a report issued on Tuesday.

Biodegradable nappies from recycled cardboard

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a process that enables recycled paper and cardboard to be used as a raw material for nonwovens. Hygiene and home care products, such as nappies, sanitary towels and cleaning ...

Taiwan turns plastic junk into blankets, dolls

Some 40 people stand ankle-deep in used plastic bottles in the yard of a recycling station in Taipei, stamping them flat in the first step of a process that will transform the junk into usable goods.

Wine producers leading climate change adaptation

A new study investigating wine regions' adaptation to climate change has found that many wine producers in South Australia's McLaren Vale are leading the world at responding to future risk.

Turning pine sap into 'ever-green' plastics

Plastic bags are a bane of nature. And not just bags – just about all plastics, really. Most are made out of petroleum, and a piece of plastic, if it misses the recycling bin and ends up in a landfill, will probably outlast ...

NASA targets water recycling system for rapid development

Water is one of the most crucial provisions an astronaut will need to live and work in space. Whether orbiting Earth, working at a lunar base or traveling to Mars, astronauts must save as much water as possible. That's why ...

New study shows fortnightly collection can increase recycling

A new study from the University of Southampton, which investigated the controversial alternate weekly collection (AWC) system for residual waste and recyclables, has found that a switch from weekly to fortnightly collection ...

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