Old windscreens meet the recycling bin

While the metal used for vehicles can be recycled fairly easily, a solution for recovering the glass used for windows has not been so readily at hand.

Flame repelent furniture manufactured from recycled materials

Fires in urban zones and public transportation are common because flammable material is used in its manufacture; in order to reduce this problematic, the Center for Applied Innovation and Competitive Technologies (CIATEC) ...

Biodegradable cabinet: A new approach to sustainability

A furniture design academic from Sheffield Hallam University has started creating furniture made from 100 per cent biodegradable material, which can be composted at the end of its lifespan.

State e-waste disposal bans have been largely ineffective

One of the first analyses of laws banning disposal of electronic waste (e-waste) in municipal landfills has found that state e-waste recycling bans have been mostly ineffective, although California's Cell Phone Recycling ...

When recycling equates with quality raw materials

Recycled materials are often of lower quality than the materials from which they were derived. Now the cradle-to-cradle recycling concept has been applied to carpets to deliver high-quality recycled material.

The 'whole' problem with recycling

Findings from a University of Alberta researcher shed new light on what may be stopping people from recycling more.

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