100% compostable coffee balls bid to take on Nespresso

Switzerland's biggest retailer launched a new coffee machine invention on Tuesday—fully compostable coffee balls which it hopes will shake up the global market and take on Nespresso's global dominance.

Developing a degradation-triggerable plastic made of vanillin

From inexpensive mass products to tailored high-tech materials, our modern world without plastics is unimaginable. The major downside to this is the use of fossil fuels and the growing quantities of waste. A new approach ...

Polypropylene recycling from carpet waste

A significant part of carpet waste consists of petroleum-based polypropylene. As a non-recyclable product, disposing of it has previously meant incineration or landfill. However, a new solvent is now making it possible to ...

Is battery recycling environmentally friendly?

The EU will be home to 30 million electric cars by 2030 and the European Commission is preparing tough targets for recycling these and other batteries. Yet the impacts of battery recycling, especially for the sizeable lithium-ion ...

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