Plastic recycling shouldn't be an end in itself

Wanting to keep plastics in circulation is currently en vogue. According to Magdalena Klotz, however, high collection rates are of little use if recyclate only replaces virgin material to a limited extent.

The plastic recycling system is broken. Here's how we can fix it

The investor Warren Buffett once remarked that "only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked". For the plastics recycling industry, the pandemic was a bit like the tide going out, exposing its deep-rooted ...

Recycling robot could help solve soft plastic waste crisis

Despite an improvement in plastic recycling in recent years, landfill is a growing issue. Soft plastics like cling wrap and plastic bags are a major contributor to the problem, with 94 percent going to landfill in 2016-17.

Modeling a circular economy for electronic waste

Think about how many different pieces of technology the average household has purchased in the last decade. Phones, TVs, computers, tablets, and game consoles don't last forever, and repairing them is difficult and often ...

Polypropylene recycling from carpet waste

A significant part of carpet waste consists of petroleum-based polypropylene. As a non-recyclable product, disposing of it has previously meant incineration or landfill. However, a new solvent is now making it possible to ...

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