Dutch court orders Pirate Bay to remove links

A Dutch court Thursday ordered Sweden's The Pirate Bay filesharing website to remove links to works of members of a Netherlands-based music and film copyright protection group.

In Vietnam, US relies on pirate site to network

(AP)—It's a wildly popular website laden with unlicensed songs and Hollywood movies, a prime exhibit of the digital piracy that is strangling the music industry in Asia and eroding legitimate online sales around the world.

Tech push transforms TV viewing experience

For decades we've been watching TV. Now a new generation of televisions is beginning to watch us. Technological advances are giving the old clunky "boob tube" an IQ injection. Some of the new breed of smart TVs comes equipped ...

Who are the music pirates and what do they want?

Music piracy is a huge problem, if the music industry is to believed. But so far, very little has been done to stop it. We are, however, starting to get an idea of what motivates people to do it. If record labels want to ...

Minnesota song-sharing case heads for 3rd trial

(AP) -- A trade group representing the major music labels said Wednesday it will reject a reduced penalty for a central Minnesota woman found guilty of sharing 24 songs over the Internet, and will instead begin preparing ...

LimeWire, major record labels settle for $105M

(AP) -- File-sharing software company LimeWire, which shut down last year after being barred from allowing people to share copyright-protected files online, reached a $105 million out-of-court settlement with the major record ...

China and Canada among top on US piracy watch list

US legislators have accused Canada, China, Mexico, Russia and Spain of "robbing Americans" by failing to crack down on piracy of movies, music, videogames and other copyrighted works.

Swedish Pirate Bay prosecutor reiterates jail request

The prosecutor in the appeals trial of three founders and a financier of Swedish filesharing site The Pirate Bay requested Tuesday that their lower court sentences of a year each in prison be confirmed.

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