Earth's orbit affects millennial climate variability

Abundant geological evidence demonstrates that Earth's climate has experienced millennial-scale variability superimposed on glacial–interglacial fluctuations through the Pleistocene. The magnitude of millennial climate ...

Gorillas can tell human voices apart

Many animals recognize the voices of members of their own species, and some can even recognize those of other species, such as humans. But it turns out a few animals, such as gorillas, can not only recognize familiar voices ...

Primates' ancestors may have left trees to survive asteroid

When an asteroid struck 66 million years ago and wiped out dinosaurs not related to birds and three-quarters of life on Earth, early ancestors of primates and marsupials were among the only tree-dwelling (arboreal) mammals ...

Extinction and origination patterns change after mass extinctions

Scientists at Stanford University have discovered a surprising pattern in how life reemerges from cataclysm. Research published Oct. 6 in Proceedings of the Royal Society B shows the usual rules of body size evolution change ...

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