Citizen scientists seek south pole 'spiders' on Mars

(—Ten thousand volunteers viewing images of Martian south polar regions have helped identify targets for closer inspection, yielding new insights about seasonal slabs of frozen carbon dioxide and erosional features ...

New gravity map gives best view yet inside Mars

A new map of Mars' gravity made with three NASA spacecraft is the most detailed to date, providing a revealing glimpse into the hidden interior of the Red Planet.

NASA Mars orbiter examines dramatic new crater

( —Space rocks hitting Mars excavate fresh craters at a pace of more than 200 per year, but few new Mars scars pack as much visual punch as one seen in a NASA image released today.

NASA shows first 'crime scene' photo of Mars landing

About 36 hours after NASA landed its $2.5 billion rover on Mars, it released Tuesday what it jokingly dubbed a "crime scene" aerial shot of where the parachute, heat shield and vehicle came down.

Curiosity tastes first sample in 'clay-bearing unit'

Scientists working with NASA's Curiosity Mars rover have been excited to explore a region called "the clay-bearing unit" since before the spacecraft launched. Now, the rover has finally tasted its first sample from this part ...

How long is a day on Mars?

Mars represents something of a conundrum for scientists. In many respects, it is significantly different from Earth. It's cold, it's dry, there is little atmosphere or precipitation to speak of, and nothing grows there. ...

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