NASA's Mars fleet will still conduct science while lying low

NASA will hold off sending commands to its Mars fleet for two weeks, from Nov. 11 to 25, while Earth and the Red Planet are on opposite sides of the sun. Called Mars solar conjunction, this phenomenon happens every two years. ...

New Set of High-Resolution Mars Images Online

Thousands of image products from 233 recent telescopic observations by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter show a diversity of surface shapes and textures on Mars.

Image: Dark dune fields of proctor crater, Mars

The dark rippled dunes of Mars' Proctor Crater likely formed more recently than the lighter rock forms they appear to cover, and are thought to slowly shift in response to pervasive winds.

A salty, martian meteorite offers clues to habitability

Life as we know it requires energy of some sort to survive and thrive. For plants, that source of energy is the Sun. But there are some microbes that can survive using energy from chemical reactions. Some of them even eat ...

Study reveals lunar surface features younger than assumed

The moon's surface is being "gardened"—churned by small impacts—more than 100 times faster than scientists previously thought. This means that surface features believed to be young are perhaps even younger than assumed. ...

NASA releases new Earthrise simulation video

NASA has issued a new visualization of the events leading to one of the iconic photographs of the 20th Century – Earth rising over the moon captured by the crew of the Apollo 8 mission.

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