Curiosity travels through ancient glaciers on Mars

3,500 million years ago the Martian crater Gale, through which the NASA rover Curiosity is currently traversing, was covered with glaciers, mainly over its central mound. Very cold liquid water also flowed through its rivers ...

Image: Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter's view of Tycho central peak

( —Today, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) celebrates its fifth anniversary in space. LRO launched from Florida on June 18, 2009. After a four-day journey, the orbiter successfully entered lunar orbit on ...

Image: Soaring over Lunar Mt. Hadley

( —Apollo mission planners selected an adventurous landing site for Apollo 15 located on a relatively small patch of lava plains, called "mare" on the moon. This site is nestled between the towering Apennine mountains ...

Opportunity peers out from 'Pillinger Point'

NASA's decade old Opportunity rover has reached a long sought after region of aluminum-rich clay mineral outcrops at a new Endeavour crater ridge now "named 'Pillinger Point' after Colin Pillinger the Principal Investigator ...

NASA image: Giant landform on Mars

( —Sandy landforms formed by the wind, or aeolian bedforms, are classified by the wavelength—or length—between crests. On Mars, we can observe four classes of bedforms (in order of increasing wavelengths): ...

Lava, not water, formed canyons on Mars

The canyon-like scars which line Mars' crust are seen by many as evidence for liquid water. But a study now suggests that a different kind of fluid – one much less hospitable to life – may actually have carved these features.

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