Helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services

If you ever use Spotify, or a similar music-streaming service, there's a good chance your song recommendations, and other personalized features, are powered by novel technology developed and marketed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs.

Netflix awards $1M prize to improve movie picks

(AP) -- Netflix Inc. declared a seven-member group of researchers, scientists and engineers from around the world as winners Monday of its three-year, $1 million contest to improve its movie recommendation system by at least ...

Improving recommendation system algorithms

Recommendation algorithms are a vital part of today’s Web, the basis of the targeted advertisements that account for most commercial sites’ revenues and of services such as Pandora, the Internet radio site that ...

Climate report: 'Uncharted territory' imperils life on Earth

An international coalition of climate scientists says in a paper published in BioScience that the Earth's vital signs have worsened beyond anything humans have yet seen, to the point that life on the planet is imperiled.

Letters of recommendation may disadvantage young women scientists

Letters of recommendation - critical to young scientists' chances of being hired for postdoctoral research positions - may be disadvantaging women from the very start of their careers, and the professors writing those letters ...

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