Letters of recommendation may disadvantage young women scientists

Letters of recommendation - critical to young scientists' chances of being hired for postdoctoral research positions - may be disadvantaging women from the very start of their careers, and the professors writing those letters ...

Content kingmaker—quality or webpage position?

In today's Information Age, it's easy get overwhelmed by online content. On YouTube alone, over 100 hours worth of video is uploaded every minute. Showcasing the most interesting content allows providers to convey a certain ...

Research highlights challenges faced by high conflict families

Common challenges faced by high-conflict families include domestic abuse, poor mental health and addiction according to new research by a Trinity academic. The research was published recently in a new report entitled Policy ...

Netflix rolls out new tool to profile viewers

Netflix is introducing a long-awaited feature that will make it easier for the Internet video service to track and analyze the viewing habits of people sharing the same $8-per-month account.

Helping developers create smarter online music-streaming services

If you ever use Spotify, or a similar music-streaming service, there's a good chance your song recommendations, and other personalized features, are powered by novel technology developed and marketed by two MIT alumni entrepreneurs.

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