New Insight Into How Bees See

New research from Monash University bee researcher Adrian Dyer could lead to improved artificial intelligence systems and computer programs for facial recognition.

Cope's gray treefrogs meet the cocktail party problem

You've been there: Trying to carry on a conversation in a room so noisy that the background chatter threatens to drown out the words you hear. Yet somehow your auditory system is able to home in on the message being conveyed ...

Can facial recognition systems help save lemurs?

Facial recognition is a biometric system that identifies or verifies a person from a digital image. It's used to find criminals, identify passport and driver's license fraud, and catch shoplifters. But can it be used to ...

Images that fool computer vision raise security concerns

Computers are learning to recognize objects with near-human ability. But Cornell researchers have found that computers, like humans, can be fooled by optical illusions, which raises security concerns and opens new avenues ...

Teaching computers to see—by learning to see like computers

Object-recognition systems—software that tries to identify objects in digital images—typically rely on machine learning. They comb through databases of previously labeled images and look for combinations of visual features ...

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