Pay-per-gaze? Google patent proposes ad system

( —Advertising models could in the future expand from clicks to pupil dilations. Google's patent for a Gaze Tracking System became public last week. Originally filed in May 2011, the patent presents an idea for ...

Android phones to pit vampires against slayers

Facial recognition startup Viewdle on Wednesday began letting Android smartphone users see which of the people around them are vampires and which are vampire slayers.

Seeing things: Researchers teach computers to recognize objects

( -- If computers could recognize objects, they could automatically search through hours of video footage for a particular two-minute scene. A tourist strolling down a street in a strange city could take a cell-phone ...

Forecast to help shellfish growers weather toxicity

The same technology that powers facial recognition and self-driving cars may soon help Maine's shellfish industry protect people from the dangerous effects of harmful algal blooms. A recent paper reports how researchers can ...

Researchers teach neural networks to determine crowd emotions

Scholars from the Higher School Of Economics have developed an algorithm that detects emotions in a group of people on a low-quality video. The solution provides a final decision in just one hundredth of a second, which is ...

AI, virtual reality make inroads in tourism sector

A hotel room automatically adjusting to the tastes of each guest, virtual reality headsets as brochures: the tourism sector is starting to embrace new technologies, hoping to benefit from lucrative personal data.

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