Researchers discover how cells recognize viral toxin

( -- For many years it's been known that the fever, achiness and other symptoms you feel during the flu are triggered by a viral molecule that travels through the body acting like a toxin.

Scientists reveal how snakes 'see' at night

Scientists revealed Sunday for the first time how some snakes can detect the faint body heat exuded by a mouse a metre (three feet) away with enough precision and speed to hunt in the dark.

The mode of action of certain toxins that accumulate in seafood

Toxins released by certain microalgae can contaminate fish and shellfish which then become toxic to humans. French researchers from CNRS and CEA have, for the first time, identified the mechanisms of action of two of these ...

New study focuses on protein dynamics

A discovery by associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry Brian Baker and his research group at the University of Notre Dame reveals the importance of dynamic motion by proteins involved in the body's immune response. ...

Scientists discover new protein function

Carnegie Mellon University's Philip R. LeDuc and his collaborators in Massachusetts and Taiwan have discovered a new function of a protein that could ultimately unlock the mystery of how these workhorses of the body play ...

Merkel cells revealed as secret behind sensation of light touch

Scientists have proved experimentally what has been suspected since the discovery of Merkel cells in the skin over a century ago: the sense of light touch that is critical for hand dexterity would not be possible without ...

Research spawns new discoveries showing how crops survive drought

( -- Breakthrough research done earlier this year by a plant cell biologist at the University of California, Riverside has greatly accelerated scientists' knowledge on how plants and crops can survive difficult ...

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