New hardware to expand fast fiber-to-the-home

The cost of deploying fast fibre connections straight to homes could be dramatically reduced by new hardware designed and tested by UCL researchers. The innovative technology will help address the challenges of providing ...

Iceland rises as its glaciers melt from climate change

The Earth's crust under Iceland is rebounding as global warming melts the island's great ice caps, a University of Arizona-led team reports in an upcoming issue of Geophysical Research Letters.

NASA uses GPS to find Sierra water weight

( —For the first time, NASA scientists have used GPS to find the total weight of winter snowpack and soil moisture in California's Sierra Nevada. The new results complement other satellite measurements and could ...

Birds' good vibrations power mini backpacks

Birds that yield good vibration provide motion excitation ... for engineers: As Earth warms, birds may be changing their migratory patterns. But to obtain avian data, scientists need in-flight tracking sensors – and those ...

New technique helps robotic vehicles find their way

( —A Wayne State University researcher understands that the three most important things about real estate also apply to small ground robotic vehicles: location, location, location.

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