UK government complains after Twitter cuts data access

The British government has complained to Twitter over a block on access to data from the social network, which it was reportedly using to track potential terror attacks, officials said Wednesday.

Mapping migrations by using mobile phone data

Researchers from the Complex Systems Group (GSC) at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) have used mobile phone data generated by 9 million users to study the mobility of population from Senegal. Results show a clear ...

Beach buoys deployed to detect beach contamination

Beachgoers may soon be able to know in a timely manner if the water is clean enough for swimming, thanks to some new technology developed by researchers from Michigan State University and the U.S. Geological Survey.

Performance enhancing sensor ready for commercialisation

A wearable device being developed by the University of Strathclyde will provide real-time data analysis of fluid loss during exercise to enhance the performance of fitness enthusiasts and elite athletes.

Catch the northern lights with your mobile

Updates on the best opportunities to spot the Northern Lights in the UK are now available on a mobile phone app developed in association with scientists at Lancaster University.

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