Researchers demonstrate a quantum advantage

Quantum computing and quantum sensing have the potential to be vastly more powerful than their classical counterparts. Not only could a fully realized quantum computer take just seconds to solve equations that would take ...

Evacuating under dire wildfire scenarios

In 2018, the Camp Fire ripped through the town of Paradise, California at an unprecedented rate. Officials had prepared an evacuation plan that required 3 hours to get residents to safety. The fire, bigger and faster than ...

No quick fix for climate change

We could spray the atmosphere with particles that reflect sunlight or fertilize algae to grow and take up more CO2. We could release minerals that react with CO2or capture the gas directly from the air. These are some of ...

Beneficial bacteria help wheat stand the heat

Global warming has increased the number of severe heatwaves that wreak havoc on agriculture, reduce crop yields and threaten food supplies. However, not all plants perish in extreme heat. Some have natural heat tolerance, ...

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