New type of friction discovered in ligand-protein systems

An interdisciplinary research team of the Institutes of Physical Chemistry and Physics of the University of Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt-am-Main has discovered a new, direction-dependent ...

Long-term study shows water fleas adapt to sunscreen ingredients

A new study into how sunscreen affects freshwater ecosystems suggests the impact may be less alarming than first thought—and raises new questions about whether lab-based studies into environmental contaminants are accurately ...

Misinformation: Why it may not necessarily lead to bad behavior

"So far as the influence of the newspaper upon the mind and morals of the people is concerned, there can be no rational doubt that the telegraph has caused vast injury." So said the The New York Times in 1858, when the transatlantic ...

Cinema has helped 'entrench' gender inequality in AI, says study

Cinematic depictions of the scientists behind artificial intelligence over the last century are so heavily skewed toward men that a dangerous cultural stereotype has been established—one that may contribute to the shortage ...

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