Related topics: users

Websites try to fight nasty comments, anonymity

Mix blatant bigotry with poor spelling. Add a dash of ALL CAPS. Top it off with a violent threat. And there you have it: A recipe for the worst of online comments.

China requires Internet users to register names (Update)

China's government tightened Internet controls Friday with approval of a law that requires users to register their names after a flood of online complaints about official abuses rattled Communist Party leaders.

Beijing orders microbloggers to register real names

Beijing city authorities on Friday issued new rules requiring microbloggers to register their real names before posting online, as the Chinese government tightens its grip on the Internet.

Teens migrating to Twitter -- sometimes for privacy

(AP) -- Teens don't tweet, will never tweet - too public, too many older users. Not cool. That's been the prediction for a while now, born of numbers showing that fewer than one in 10 teens were using Twitter early on.

China to further tighten control of microblogs

A senior Chinese propaganda official has said real-name registration for the nation's hugely popular microblogs will be expanded, as authorities tighten their grip on the web amid fear of unrest.

Google+ opens up to teenagers

Google on Thursday opened up Google+ to teenagers, just days after loosening the rules about using real names on the social network.

Blizzard drops plan to require real names on forums

Amid a barrage of criticism, Activision Blizzard, maker of World of Warcraft and other popular videogames, dropped a plan Friday to require users of its forums to start posting their real names.

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