Electron movements in liquid measured in super-slow motion

Electrons are able to move within molecules when they are excited from outside or in the course of a chemical reaction. For the first time, scientists have now succeeded in studying the first few dozen attoseconds of this ...

Vest to prevent balance disorder patients falling

(PhysOrg.com) -- A vest being developed by scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) could help people with balance disorders to regain their balance. This could cut short the rehabilitation or balance ...

Radar sensor module to bring added safety to autonomous driving

When a child runs out onto the road, the average human driver takes 1.6 seconds to hit the brake pedal. The reaction time is cut to 0.5 seconds for automated vehicles fitted with radar/lidar sensors and a camera system. But ...

Scientists develop 2D nanosheets for sustainable carbon capture

Global warming has been attributed to the sharp increase in heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2 emissions. Carbon capture technology, such as using adsorbents to capture and store CO2 from ambient air, ...

Ocean acidification leaving fish in the dark

Increasing carbon dioxide in the world's oceans could hamper fishes' eyesight, slowing their reaction times and leaving them vulnerable to predators or unable to hunt, new research has shown.

Teens learn dangers of texting while driving

(AP) -- Kamy Mayott has been told that texting while driving is dangerous. But the 15-year-old didn't know just how dangerous until she navigated a golf cart through an obstacle course while texting and took out a whole ...

Thinnest-ever freestanding film with ferroelectric properties

Researchers at the Institute for Future Materials and Systems at Nagoya University in Japan have successfully synthesized barium titanate (BaTiO3) nanosheets with a thickness of 1.8 nanometers, the thinnest thickness ever ...

Solving electron transfer

EPFL scientists have shown how a solvent can interfere with electron transfer by using unprecedented time resolution in ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy.

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