Order from disorder in the sarcomere

Alpha-actinin can cross-link actin filaments and anchor them to the Z-disk in sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are a structural unit of myofibril in striated muscle. The FATZ (filamin, α-actinin- and telethonin-binding protein of ...

Scientists tap supercomputing to study exotic matter in stars

At the heart of some of the smallest and densest stars in the universe lies nuclear matter that might exist in never-before-observed exotic phases. Neutron stars, which form when the cores of massive stars collapse in a luminous ...

Quasi-periodic oscillation detected in Cygnus X-1

Using the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT), astronomers from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China have detected a low frequency, quasi-periodic oscillation in a black hole high mass X-ray binary known as Cygnus ...

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