Cosmic 'spider' found to be source of powerful gamma-rays

Using the 4.1-meter SOAR Telescope in Chile, astronomers have discovered the first example of a binary system where a star in the process of becoming a white dwarf is orbiting a neutron star that has just finished turning ...

Distant quasar J0439+1634 explored in X-rays

Using ESA's XMM-Newton spacecraft, an international team of astronomers has conducted X-ray observations of the most distant known gravitationally lensed quasar—J0439+1634. Results of the study, published December 20 on ...

Blazar Ton 599 investigated by Indian astronomers

Using NASA's Fermi spacecraft, researchers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore, India, have conducted a gamma-ray flux and spectral variability study of a blazar known as Ton 599, during its recent flaring ...

New supernova remnant detected by astronomers

Astronomers from Costa Rica and Australia have reported the detection of a new supernova remnant (SNR) by inspecting a gamma-ray source known as FHES J1723.5−0501. The researchers found that this source is an SNR and it ...

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