Researchers investigate 'the Goose' pulsar wind nebula

Using NASA's Chandra X-ray observatory and Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), astronomers have investigated a pulsar wind nebula, dubbed "the Goose," powered by a young pulsar known as PSR J1016–5857. Results of ...

Search reveals eight new sources of black hole echoes

Scattered across our Milky Way galaxy are tens of millions of black holes—immensely strong gravitational wells of spacetime, from which infalling matter, and even light, can never escape. Black holes are dark by definition, ...

Study investigates flaring activity of blazar S5 1803+78

Using various space and ground-based observatories, astronomers have inspected flaring activity observed on a blazar known as S5 1803+78. Results of this multi-wavelength study, published April 10 on the arXiv pre-print server, ...

MAGIC telescopes observe nova explosion

Light on, light off—this is how one could describe the behavior of the nova, which goes by the name RS Ophiuchi (RS Oph). Every 15 years or so, a dramatic explosion occurs in the constellation of the Serpent Bearer. Birthplaces ...

Active galaxy RXJ0134.2-4258 investigated in detail

Using XMM-Newton and NuSTAR satellites, astronomers have conducted a comprehensive, long-term multiwavelength study of an active galaxy known as RXJ0134.2-4258. Results of the observational campaign, published March 25 on ...

Quasi-periodic oscillations detected in pulsar LMC X-4

Using ESA's XMM-Newton telescope, Indian astronomers have performed X-ray observations of a binary X-ray pulsar known as LMC X-4. The observational campaign resulted in the detection of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) ...

New FRII radio galaxy detected by astronomers

Astronomers report the detection of a new Fanaroff-Riley Class II (FRII) radio galaxy using various telescopes.The newly found galaxy turns out to be a peculiar gamma-ray emitting source. The discovery was detailed in a paper ...

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