Bluetooth baby

Checking the heart of the unborn baby usually involves a stethoscope. However, an inexpensive and accurate Bluetooth fetal heart rate monitoring system has now been developed by researchers in India for long-term home care. ...

Obama's tax plans raises high-tech hackles

(AP) -- President Barack Obama's plan to impose U.S. taxes on corporate America's overseas profits threatens to open a big crater in the financial statements of technology companies.

Artificial noise saves energy

Against the background of climate change, how can xDSL systems function more energy-efficiently and cost-effectively? Scientists are providing a solution combining existing methods which network providers could implement ...

Govt plan aims to keep older drivers safe on road

Silver could take on a whole new meaning when it comes to car shopping. With more elderly drivers on the road, the federal government is contemplating a "silver car" rating system that will help identify which cars better ...

Living coral cover will slow future reef dissolution

A team led by David Kline, a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, asked what would happen if they lowered the pH on a living coral reef. By using computer-controlled pulses of carbon dioxide (CO2) ...

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