Engineers build Raspberry Pi supercomputer

(—Computational Engineers at the University of Southampton have built a supercomputer from 64 Raspberry Pi computers and Lego.

Raspberry Pi gets customized OS called Raspbian

( -- The no-nonsense, bareboned, elemental $35 computer called Raspberry Pi is making headlines again with its Wednesday announcement of its new Raspbian operating system, described as an OS specifically optimized ...

Raspberry Pi to add camera later this year

( -- The Raspberry Pi, a uniquely priced, no casing computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard., will be given a camera accessory later this year. That may be “oh-so-what” news if this were a mainstream ...

Distributors reel from Mad Wednesday rush for $35 Pi

( -- No long lines winding down Madison Avenue; no marching bands in Barcelona; no glossy ads in mainstream magazines. Just news of a product available for pre-order is all it took to trigger a crush of responders ...

Foundation readies $25 computer to seed tech talents

( -- A $25 computer targeted to help young people learn about computers beyond uploading pics and downloading documents is about to start volume-production in January. The Raspberry Pi project, a UK-based foundation, ...

RAPIRO wants to spread joy of robots with Raspberry Pi

( —The Raspberry Pi is a computing milestone as a very low-priced computing device running Linux; now a Japanese inventor wants to rev up another kind of breakthrough, with an affordable robot kit that can work ...

Charlotte robot tells the world where it's not going

( —A resourceful thinker who likes to learn as he goes, Kevin Ochs started out on a project with the intention of brushing up skills in C++ programming. He has come up with something quite interesting as a result. ...

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