Boosting the recovery of rare earth elements

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the Ural Federal University will start a joint research project for boosting the recovery of rare earth elements. The exceptional magnetic and optical properties of earth metals ...

Urgent need to recycle rare metals

Rare earth metals are important components in green energy products such as wind turbines and eco-cars. But the scarcity of these metals is worrying the EU.

Patent approved for cancer-fighting process

A new process developed at the University of Victoria that will help oncologists better identify and target cancerous tumours has been granted a US patent. The patented technology involves synthesizing lanthanide (rare earth ...

Global shortage of materials an increasingly pressing issue

Between Monday 18 November and Wednesday 20 November, scientists and policymakers from across the world will come together at TU Delft to search for solutions to the global shortage of raw materials. The conference, 'Materials ...

Finding ancient minerals for high-tech uses

As demand for high-tech devices and green technologies rises, countries around the world are scavenging for sources of rare earth elements—the expensive metals required in everything from iPods to hybrid cars.

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