Honda will recycle rare-earth metals from batteries

( -- Honda Motor Co. this week made news with its announcement of a recycling breakthrough. The car maker, which manufactures hybrid vehicles, will start recycling rare-earth metals from the nickel-metal hydride ...

Clean energy could lead to scarce materials

As the world moves toward greater use of low-carbon and zero-carbon energy sources, a possible bottleneck looms, according to a new MIT study: the supply of certain metals needed for key clean-energy technologies.

Rare earth metals: Another challenge for the green economy?

If you follow the clean energy dialogue, then you may have encountered discussions about the role of rare earth metals at some point in the last year or two. If not, read on, because rare earths should not be a rare topic ...

Canadian Arctic to lead national growth

Canada's northern territories will lead the nation in growth in the next two years, buoyed by high commodities prices and a ramping up of new mines, a report said Wednesday.

No future without scarce metals

It is not just in laptop computers, mobile telephones and LED screens that scarce metals are to be found but also in solar cells, batteries for mobile technologies and many other similar applications. The rising demand for ...

China cuts 2012 rare earths export quota

(AP) -- China announced a cut Tuesday in its rare earths export quota as it tries to shore up sagging prices for the exotic metals used in mobile phones and other high-tech goods.

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