Starship could be ready for an orbital flight in May

SpaceX has enjoyed a lot of wins in the past few years. In addition to successfully glide-testing and landing multiple Starship prototypes, they've rolled out its first Super Heavy boosters, test-fired the new Raptor Vacuum ...

First Philippine eagle bred in captivity dies

The first Philippine eagle bred in captivity in an effort to save one of the world's most endangered birds has died from infections, conservationists said Friday.

Speaking up for invisible raptors

Birds of prey such as owls, eagles, falcons and vultures are soaring and elegant predators. But many raptors worldwide have flown under the scientific radar and are all but invisible: Ten species of raptors, out of 557 total, ...

US defense programs target of China cyber threat

New revelations that China used cyberattacks to access data from nearly 40 U.S. weapons programs and almost 30 other defense technologies have increased pressure on American leaders to take more strident action against Beijing ...

Offspring for first captive-bred Philippine eagle

The first Philippine eagle bred in captivity has sired her first offspring, in what conservationists said Thursday was a small victory in efforts to save one of the world's rarest raptors.

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