Study: Entrepreneurship rankings are very flawed

High school students searching for information on the best undergraduate programs in entrepreneurship would do well to ignore published rankings, according to a paper in the fall issue of the Journal of Entrepreneurship Education ...

Mathematically ranking ranking methods

In a world where everything from placement in a Google search result to World Cup eligibility depends on ranking and numerical ratings of some kind, it is becoming increasingly important to analyze the algorithms and techniques ...

Demand Media 1Q results ease worries about Google

(AP) -- Demand Media Inc. fared better than analysts anticipated in the first quarter, easing investor worries that Google Inc.'s recent changes to how it culls search results may have damaged the online content generator's ...

Ranking research

A new approach to evaluating research papers exploits social bookmarking tools to extract relevance. Details are reported in the latest issue of the International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions.

Is March Madness always the same?

Why is it that the same teams seem to dominate the annual men's collegiate basketball tournament? For that matter, why does the same small group of institutions seem to top annual best-college rankings?

Google alters algorithm to combat abusive sellers

Google is tweaking its algorithms after an online eyeglass merchant managed to get his site listed at the top of search rankings by being deliberately rude to customers and sparking complaints.

Taking fantasy football strategy to the next level

The fantasy football season's outcome is often decided before real NFL players take the field for meaningful games. Separating your team from the crowd takes analysis -- based in logic, math, and knowledge of the unique quirks ...

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