Farm manager plays leading role in postharvest loss

With all the effort it takes to grow a food crop from seed to sale, it may be surprising that some farms in Brazil lose 10 to 12 percent of their yield at various points along the postharvest route. According to a University ...

Students in Ghana launch mini-satellite

Their project might not sound like much: The college students on Wednesday launched a tiny model of a satellite the size of a soda can on a big yellow balloon.

Anthrax can grow and reproduce in soil, researchers find

(—Anthrax has the unexpected ability to grow and reproduce while lurking in soil – increasing the deadly bacteria's chances to infect cattle and other mammals, researchers at the University of Virginia School ...

Common eastern bumblebee can boost pumpkin yields

( -- Each grinning jack-o'-lantern starts with yellow pollen grains, ferried from a male to a female pumpkin flower by bees. Honeybee populations are in decline, but Cornell entomologist Brian Nault has identified ...

Plant disease hits eastern US veggies early, hard

(AP) -- Tomato plants have been removed from stores in half a dozen states as a destructive and infectious plant disease makes its earliest and most widespread appearance ever in the eastern United States.

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